Inspired to Build a Better Home Office

Our modular home office system came about after an Eichler owner approached me about using a support pole-based system for her home office. This particular home owner had a background in design and woodworking so she was pretty savvy when it came to judging the quality of cabinetry. But when doing her research, she realized there weren’t any systems available using a high-quality grade of plywood—everything was particleboard.
She knew the limited life-cycle of these products and the waste they create when they fail in a few years. When combined with the costs involved, she knew the value would not meet her expectations. She wanted something that would last well into the future.
The more I learned about the modular nature of the pole-based system, the more I liked it. There were already companies out there—like Rakks—who developed these pole-based hardware products. Now it was up to me to develop something that worked with their system.
What appealed to me was the idea that individual units could be swapped out without disrupting the rest of the arrangement. This gives it major sustainability points. You don’t have to scrap the whole system if your needs change. If you decide you want a different desk or more drawer storage, that can be changed or added.
Historical midcentury shelving systems
Modular cabinetry and pole-based systems are well-rooted in midcentury modern design. The obvious classics are Vitsoe’s 606 Universal Shelving System and George Nelson’s Comprehensive Storage System (CCS). Vitsoe’s system, designed by Dieter Rams in 1960, was so well done that it’s still in production today and hasn’t changed one bit. It’s also still in style among modern enthusiasts. That’s the epitome of timeless design.
Focus on timeless design
That was our goal when developing this modular system: to strive for something that is designed around those who use it, but also focuses on quality and timeless design.
We came up with a home office system that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but can adapt and evolve as your needs change. Efficiency and flexibility has always been of paramount importance, so we divided the system into work and storage bays with several choices in each. That means your home office system can be tailored to how you prefer to live and work.
One way we maximize efficiency is by storing more frequently used items within arm’s reach. As with our other work, drawers, open-shelving and hinged-door cabinets are based on all-plywood construction. This not only ensures durability, but using multi-ply also gives us the exposed-edge detail that modern clients love. And, best of all, if you ever decide to move this system it can travel with you. What’s more sustainable than that?